Station de ski Gohrersberg / Kreuzthal

Logo Gohrersberg / Kreuzthal
Logo Gohrersberg / Kreuzthal


Skiing with floodlights: A highlight!
However, only in good weather! You will find definitive information at short notice on the start page and via our snow telephone: +49 7569 930146.

Lift operation:
The end of operation is also dependent on the current weather conditions/dusk and can vary. If the weather and/or snow conditions are unclear, you can call us for information...

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Skiing with floodlights: A highlight!
However, only in good weather! You will find definitive information at short notice on the start page and via our snow telephone: +49 7569 930146.

Lift operation:
The end of operation is also dependent on the current weather conditions/dusk and can vary. If the weather and/or snow conditions are unclear, you can call us for information about the operating times.

Our snow telephone: +49 7569 930146

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